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Understanding Depth of Field


Shooting Shallow is a complete guide to understanding the concept of depth of field.

Mastering the ability to control the ‘out of focus’ areas and creates attractive bokeh puts you in control of your image and such techniques offer the opportunity for some creative photography techniques. Understanding depth of field can unlock a range of creative photography techniques and really enhance how you approach a subject. The book addresses the question, what is bokeh?

The aim of the book is to equipment photographers with the skills to maximize their ability to create bokeh rich images but at the same time ensure your subject is as sharp as possible.

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Category: Product ID: 30685


The ‘Shooting Shallow’ ebook takes photographers through the concept of depth-of-field as well as addressing the application of ‘shooting shallow’. The aim of the book is to equipment photographers with the skills to maximise their ability to create bokeh rich images but at the same time ensure your subject is as sharp as possible.

What is Bokeh?

Mastering the ability to control the ‘out of focus’ areas and creates attractive bokeh puts you in control of your image and such techniques offer the opportunity for some creative photography techniques. Understanding depth of field can unlock a range of creative photography techniques and really enhance how you approach a subject. The ebook will skill you on shooting with a shallow depth of field and capturing bokeh backgrounds.

Understanding Depth of Field in Photography

The ‘Shooting Shallow’ eBook is divided into three broad sections. Concepts, Camera and Practice.

The eBook chapters include:

– Explaining Bokeh – What is Bokeh?

– What is Depth-of-Field

– The Variables (Distance / Aperture).

– Know your equipment

– Learn the Practice (The Theory and Application).

– Tips for Success

– Practical Examples

– Going forward

You will get a PDF (44MB) file.

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